Saturday 27 August 2011

an extended patriotic spree ....

A historic moment in making.... when a 73 yr old Gandhian with his so called annagiri made the parliamentarians to run for cover.the spirit of anna and his dedication on issues of basic systemic cleanup helped in rousing a tranquil turmoil across the whole nation.this movement was fueled by nonviolence and backed up by genuine patriotism. being an indian or to say a "proud indian", who is at his patriotic surge only of the 26th of jan and 15th august it was certainly an extended feeling of patriotism and i certainly enjoyed it.
the determined 73yr young man inspired me with his sincere attempt.though being a foodie i couldn't afford fasting but it certainly obliged me to write few things about the events the way i be precise anna forced out the amature written in me.
hanging on for latest news feeds and changing news channels like nobodies business with a feeling of anxiety and waiting for parliament session to in a parliamentary democracy we have no choice but to respect and abide by it and i am no exception.i also do respect some of the parliamentarians and few  bureaucrats and the silent man with blue turban is one of them.yes mr singh the pm, the weakest pm as the opposition claims.a clean,honest and a man with  impeccable integrity certainly caught in a wrong job and worst companions.a candidate who once lost the lokasabha  elections due to his non manipulative nature and identity politics, who is now the strongest man in nation (by virtue of post) would have a good night sleep today.
to recall the event that it was ....... 12 days of media hype....political rhetoric's....... Ms bedi replying back......... Mr  kejriwal the new youth icon.......but why was om puri and aamir there?.........excellent P.R work...... social media announces itself into mainstream.........and many more. husshhh it all ends.
we have been given a right to protest by constitution in a liberal democratic setup not as that of our communal neighbors.but a constant practice of this right will eventually dilute its effectiveness and will also disturb the balance of our so called ''civilized society" so i hope that this second freedom struggle remains my first.
hussh .... writing demands a lot from those grey cells isn't it?
kunal signing off ..... njoy.... have a nice day....jai hind....( no jai maharastra this time lol) ....                           

1 comment:

  1. nice opening buddy.....
    1 more thing i would like to add is..after long long time this type patriotism is seen in indian people(except in india-pak match)...
    good 1 bro....waiting for ur another blogggggg...:-)
